Saturday, October 19, 2013

Adios Argentina


Cole Porter writes the score for “Adios Argentina”.

The hit song was the title song.

Cole was hired for his exceptional talent at  writing songs with a South American flavour.

The plot concerns a polo match between Argentina and the United States in Bridgehampton.

As the Argentine polo players leave Buenos Aires they sing a plaintive tune.



my Argentina, my joy, my pride
adios my beautiful chena
never again can I ride
by your side
yet tho' no more we may meet
there will ever linger, my sweet
memories of rapture complete
when I held you close
so tho' goodbye
those moments will never die
Argentina, my Argentina



The moon looks down on the pampas
and silhouettes two gauchos in its light
while their flashing knives
decide their lives
as they gleam in the dreaming night.
Each moment the battle is more heated
and each second more uncertain the fray
till one falls dead and defeated
and the other slowly walks away.

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